Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Strengthening U.S. Homeland Security Policies against Potential Research Paper

Strengthening U.S. Homeland Security Policies against Potential Islamic Jihad Union Attacks - Research Paper Example Since the bombing of the Twin Towers, the U.S. has been adamant in tightening its homeland security policies and programs. The executive branch, in collaboration with the legislative and the judiciary branches, has created, developed, and implemented essential laws that are aimed at protecting U.S. citizens from various threats of terrorism. Unfortunately, as the different breakthroughs in communication and modern weaponry continue to take place, so do the threats from these notorious terrorist groups. Thus, it is in the critical study of the background, tactics and strategies of these terrorist groups that the U.S. can further enhance its current homeland security policies. In this paper, we first take a close look at the Islamic Jihad Union in order to understand the group’s historical background, its primary ideologies and goals, and its basic strategies. Then, we examine the U.S. Homeland Security Policy by specifically highlighting on the policies regarding these issues: border and transportation security; domestic counter-terrorism; and emergency preparedness and response. Through this review, we intend to underscore the policies’ strengths and weaknesses in order to provide sound and implementable recommendations which are targeted to enhance such policies. At the end of this paper, we seek to justify the paper’s thesis that although there is an efficient, accurate, and effective implementation of the major policies in the federal government level, emphasis must be placed on enhancing the execution in the local level, specifically on border and transportation security. I. The Islamic Jihad Union (IJU) The discussion on the Islamic Jihad Union (IJU) is to be divided into three parts. The first part will give a brief background of the group by looking at its organizational structure, ideology, and overall goals. The next part will understand the capabilities of the group in spreading terrorism by focusing on its recruitment and training

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